If you made travel arrangements using Concur, MIT’s online travel booking and expense reporting tool, you can modify certain aspects of your itinerary before your ticket is issued. Visit Concur and view “Upcoming Trips.”
If you made your travel arrangements through The Travel Collaborative, MIT's Preferred Travel Agency. contact the agency directly to modify your trip or to cancel your itinerary completely.
The Travel Collaborative:
From within Massachusetts, call 617-497-7400
From North America, call 1-844-445-3330
From all other locations, call 1-207-805-3340.
The Details
If you made travel arrangements using Concur, MIT’s online travel booking and expense reporting tool, you can modify certain aspects of your itinerary before your ticket is issued. Visit Concur and view “Upcoming Trips.”
If you made your travel arrangements through The Travel Collaborative, MIT's Preferred Travel Agency. contact the agency directly to modify your trip or to cancel your itinerary completely.
The Travel Collaborative:
From within Massachusetts, call 617-497-7400
From North America, call 1-844-445-3330
From all other locations, call 1-207-805-3340.