To locate a student appointment, visit the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas and search for the student’s MIT ID number. If you have authorizations in more than one department, you must select the correct department.
Go to the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas, then to “Change an Appointment,” and follow the step-by-step instructions. You will receive an email to confirm that the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP or if errors were encountered while processing the appointment.
There’s no need to cancel an appointment if it will end on the date you specified when you created the appointment. You must cancel an appointment, however, if it will end earlier than the date you specified when you created the appointment. Go to the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas, then to “Cancel Appointment,” and follow the step-by-step instructions. You will receive an email to confirm that the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP.
Keep in mind that you can reinstate a canceled appointment simply by changing the end date after the termination has been processed.
The Details
To locate a student appointment, visit the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas and search for the student’s MIT ID number. If you have authorizations in more than one department, you must select the correct department.
Go to the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas, then to “Change an Appointment,” and follow the step-by-step instructions. You will receive an email to confirm that the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP or if errors were encountered while processing the appointment.
There’s no need to cancel an appointment if it will end on the date you specified when you created the appointment. You must cancel an appointment, however, if it will end earlier than the date you specified when you created the appointment. Go to the “Student Appointments” section of Atlas, then to “Cancel Appointment,” and follow the step-by-step instructions. You will receive an email to confirm that the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP.
Keep in mind that you can reinstate a canceled appointment simply by changing the end date after the termination has been processed.