When you relocate a piece of equipment from its recorded location for a significant period of time, you must notify the VPF Property Office.

Notify the Property Office of an equipment relocation

Notify the VPF Property Office whenever a piece of equipment is being relocated for a significant amount of time because:

  • an area is being renovated
  • the equipment is needed for off-campus work
  • the equipment is being moved to a new permanent location
  • the equipment is being relocated for another reason

Include a brief description of the equipment and its new location in your email.

Discuss relocation of property overseas

There can be special considerations related to relocating property overseas depending on the project. Contact the Property Office for guidance and review the Export Control guidelines on the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR) website.


The Details

Notify the Property Office of an equipment relocation

Notify the VPF Property Office whenever a piece of equipment is being relocated for a significant amount of time because:

  • an area is being renovated
  • the equipment is needed for off-campus work
  • the equipment is being moved to a new permanent location
  • the equipment is being relocated for another reason

Include a brief description of the equipment and its new location in your email.

Discuss relocation of property overseas

There can be special considerations related to relocating property overseas depending on the project. Contact the Property Office for guidance and review the Export Control guidelines on the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR) website.


Did You Know?

The Property Office administers a separate accounting program for equipment that is fabricated on campus.
Even if you have equipment donated to your lab or center, the Property Office must keep track of it in the Institute’s inventory system.
You can get a listing of all your DLC’s computers by emailing the VPF Property Office. In your message, list your DLC number or costs centers and specify how you want the report sorted—by location, person, account, equipment, or type.
You can access eProp—the Institute’s database of nearly 100,000 items—by contacting Richard Janus in the Property Office.
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