Avantor/VWR: New Process for Ordering Lab Supplies
VPF and Avantor/VWR are happy to announce a new and improved process for ordering lab supplies housed in the VWR Stockroom, located in Bldg. 56-070. Effective October 21, items can be ordered and purchased directly through a new Avantor/VWR Stockroom punchout catalog on B2P. The new process will eliminate the need for paper requisitions and aligns with MIT’s commitment to sustainable purchasing.
Moving forward, there will be two Avantor/VWR Punchout Catalogs in B2P; the current Catalog will remain, and the new Catalog will be for Stockroom items only. In B2P, you’ll see a logo similar to the one below, and clicking on that tile will bring you to a page with detailed instructions.

If you have questions regarding the new process, please contact Jim Bagley, VPF's Strategic Sourcing Analyst for Lab Supplies & Equipment. Alternatively, you can contact Rose Olszewski, VWR/Avantor Account Manager supporting MIT (Rose.Olszewski@avantorsciences.com, 857-423-4655).