Latest News
published on 12/6/2024
VPF will have a limited selection of services and operations available during the Institute’s Win
published on 8/10/2023
As of summer 2023, the position title for Institute’s Administrative Officers h
published on 9/12/2019
The Tax Guidance for Nonresident Aliens website is a resource for foreign nationals—including stu
published on 11/14/2023
The VPF Merchant Services team is pleased to add Stripe, an online payment and credit card
published on 2/13/2019
Julia Topalian has been named VPF Director of Gift Administration and Recording Secretary.
published on 12/14/2018
When carrying out financial transactions or a reporting process, the first thing we often w
published on 5/1/2018
If you are new to finance at MIT or looking for a quick reference to VPF’s services to the