Introduction to Travel and Expense Reporting
July 19, 2023
10:00 am-11:30 am
via Zoom

Wednesday, July 19, 10am - 11:30am ET

Introduction to Travel and Expense Reporting is designed for those who travel on Institute business and prepare expense reports, or those who make travel arrangements and prepare expense reports on behalf of someone else. It includes information about MIT’s Preferred travel agency, airline, car rental companies, and hotels.

The course will provide an overview of the MIT’s Travel Policy, and an overview of Concur, MIT's online travel booking and expense reporting system.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of using MIT's Preferred travel agency and other Preferred suppliers
  • Review key elements of MIT Travel Policy
  • Understand how MIT's Travel Policy is incorporated in the electronic travel system
  • Book a reservation
  • Complete an electronic travel report
  • Identify travel support resources