India Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Flow Chart🔒

Review this chart for an overview on IGST.


India Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Invoice Example🔒

See example on how to invoice for IGST.


Instructions for Government Wires to MIT

Learn how to wire government funds to MIT.


IRS Tax Withholding Form W-4🔒

If you are a new employee, you need to fill out the IRS W-4 Form when you are hired so that MIT can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. You can download the form from the link above.

The IRS suggests you review your federal tax withholding amounts annually. It provides a Tax Withholding Estimator and related information on its website.

The IRS and VPF HR/Payroll recommend you review your withholdings whenever you have a major life change (marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, new job, significant changes in income or other changes to your personal finances), or if after filing your taxes each year, you want to adjust (for either over withholding or under withholding).

If you need to make changes, you can download the same form and resubmit it by mail to:

MIT Office of the Vice President for Finance
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building NE49-4000
Cambridge, MA 02139

or by fax to:



IRS-MIT Tax Exempt Determination Letter🔒

IRS  MIT Tax Exempt Determination Letter

Updated: December 2022


Late Distribution Change Tips

Review these tips to salary distribution changes.


Late Payroll Change Quick Card🔒

Use this Quickcard to learn how to fill out the Late Change Salary Allocation form.


M4-MA Exemption Certificate

Use this form to claim exemptions for your Massachusetts State Income Tax.


Massachusettes Meals Tax Reporting Form 🔒

Use this form to report Massachusetts monthly sales tax on meals and alcoholic beverages.

Updated August 20, 2020


Massachusetts Residency and Tax Treatment of Non-Residents Form🔒

MIT employees who are residing temporarily or permanently in a state other than Massachusetts can use this form to change their state of residency or indicate an income tax withholding election.


Massachusetts Sales Tax Reporting Form🔒

Use this form to report Massachusetts monthly sales tax collected.

Updated August 20, 2020


Massachusetts State Tax Exempt Form ST-2🔒

This form certifies MIT's tax exempt status in Massachusetts.


Massachusetts State Tax Exempt Form ST-5🔒

Use this form when purchasing goods for MIT.

Updated February 2, 2024


Massachusetts State Tax Exempt Form ST-5C🔒

Use this form for sub-contractors purchasing on behalf of MIT.

Updated October 28, 2020


Master Data Request (Non-WBS)

Use this form to create, modify, or close a cost object.


Merchant Services Cybersource🔒

The Merchant Services Cybersource module allows a Drupal webform to be used as a Cybersource
merchant page.


Merchants Go-Live Form🔒

Use this form to sign-off on the business process requirements and responsibilities of being an MIT Merchant.
