See all active G/L accounts in this Excel spreadsheet.
Updated: November 10, 2020
See all active G/L accounts in this Excel spreadsheet.
Updated: November 10, 2020
Review this schedule for a quick overview of Calendar Year 2024 key monthly payroll cutoff dates, including late distribution changes, HR transactions, eSDS changes, salary certification, and pay dates.
Updated December 7, 2023
See this schedule for a complete list of HR/Payroll runs in 2024, for weekly and semimonthly paydates.
Updated December 7, 2023
Review this guide to general tax information for fellowships and RA/TA Assistantships.
Review this guide to general tax information for postdoctoral fellowships or postdoctoral associates.
Note: Months that have five weeks are highlighted in yellow.
Posted 7/02/2024
Refer to this table to compare tax implications of PDA and PDF appointments. (updated 6/28/18)
Learn specific tax filing responsibilities for foreign residents and nonresidents.
If you are a new employee, you need to fill out the IRS W-4 Form when you are hired so that MIT can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. You can download the form from the link above.
The IRS suggests you review your federal tax withholding amounts annually. It provides a Tax Withholding Estimator and related information on its website.
The IRS and VPF HR/Payroll recommend you review your withholdings whenever you have a major life change (marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, new job, significant changes in income or other changes to your personal finances), or if after filing your taxes each year, you want to adjust (for either over withholding or under withholding).
If you need to make changes, you can download the same form and resubmit it by mail to:
MIT Office of the Vice President for Finance
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building NE49-4000
Cambridge, MA 02139
or by fax to:
Use this Quickcard to learn how to fill out the Late Change Salary Allocation form.
Use this form to claim exemptions for your Massachusetts State Income Tax.
MIT employees who are residing temporarily or permanently in a state other than Massachusetts can use this form to change their state of residency or indicate an income tax withholding election.
A PI should use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Appointment Spreadsheet if all of the following are true:
If a PI chooses to use a mix of NIH and other funding but will not cover the total gap between salary cap and salary, reach out to for more instructions. All other appointments should be created in the summer appointment application on Atlas as usual.
Use this form to authorize HR/Payroll to deduct funds you owe MIT if you have personal expenses charged to your MIT Travel Card.