FRC Quickguide🔒

Refer to this guide to Financial Review and Control procedures.


FRC Sign Off Form example

See this example of a sign off form for FRC.


Fundamentals of Financial Management Class Presentation and Appendices (FY2023)🔒

Class presentation and appendices for the Fundamentals of Financial Management course (FY2023 Rates), designed to provide the basic knowledge and skills needed to function effectively in a position with fiscal responsibilities.

Updated October 2022



FY 2024 Year-End Quick Reference Guide


  • Fiscal Year-End Closing Checklist
  • Timing of Key DLC Closing Activities for Periods 12-14
  • Fiscal Year-End Schedule and Key Dates
  • Accrual and Deferral Quickcard
  • List of Budget Officers by Area
  • Other Fiscal Year-End Contacts
  • Acronym Dictionary and Glossary


FY24 Year-End Closing Schedule🔒

Review the FY24 Closing Schedule for key dates in this process.


G/L Accounts for Reduced EB🔒

Use this form to find G/L accounts for reduced EB.


G/L chart for Students and other🔒

Use this form to find G/L accounts for student payroll.


General Ledger (G/L) Account Request Form🔒

Use this form to request the creation of a new General Ledger Account.


Updated September 23, 2021


Home Depot Tax Exempt Form🔒

Present this tax exempt form when making MIT purchases at a Home Depot store in Massachusetts.


Human Subject Gift Card Accounting Form

Use this template to record human subject gift cards.

Updated 12-12-19


Impact of Switching from PDA to PDF Appointment (or Vice Versa)

Refer to this table to compare tax implications of PDA and PDF appointments. (updated 6/28/18)


Income Tax Filing for Foreign Residents and Nonresidents FAQ

Learn specific tax filing responsibilities for foreign residents and nonresidents.


Independent Contractor Registration Form - Contractor Portion

Independent Contractors must complete this registration form or payment will be delayed.

The Independent Contractor registration process requires both the Department and Contractor form to be completed.


Independent Contractor Registration Form - Department Portion

A DLC representative is required to complete this registration form when registering an Independent Contractor.

The Independent Contractor registration process requires both the Department and Contractor form to be completed.


India Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Digital Services Taxes Template🔒

DLCIs can use this template to report on India Goods and Services Tax and look up state codes.
