The HR/Payroll team’s core responsibility is administering payroll for over 20,000 people. The team’s HR Transaction representatives assist the administrative community in ensuring timely and accurate processing of all payroll transactions. The team’s Payroll Operations and Support associates ensure that MIT complies with all tax and other liabilities associated with employee payments, such as 401K contributions and flexible spending accounts.
Members of the MIT community rely on the HR/Payroll Team primarily for timely direct deposit of their paychecks, withholding payroll taxes and deductions for health insurance and other benefits, and accurate reporting on paystubs and annual W-2 tax forms.
HR/Payroll's team includes a Foreign National Payroll and Tax Coordinator to assist foreign nationals at MIT to determine their U.S. tax status and eligibility for a U.S. Tax Treaty.
Beyond generating weekly and semimonthly payroll, HR/Payroll is responsible for many downstream processes, including quarterly salary certification reporting, reconciling salary accounts and liabilities to the general ledger, and providing detailed salary reports to DLCs and the Research Administration Services (RAS) in the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR).
HR/Payroll’s top priority is providing first-rate customer service to individuals and the community at large. HR/Payroll is focused on continuously improving systems, working closely with the Tax and Global Operations team to support MIT’s emerging international initiatives, and ensuring administrators have the tools needed to work efficiently and effectively.