Find out how to pay a bill from MIT Accounts Receivable by check.
How to pay by check

If you have received a bill from MIT Accounts Receivable and don’t want to pay with a credit card or by wire transfer, you may pay with a check. See step #2 below about where to bring or send the check.

Refer to the MIT Student Financial Services Office website for details on how to pay your tuition bill.

Where to pay by check

Mail your check to:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Accounts Receivable


77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139-4307


Bring your check to:

VPF Reception and Service Desk


Cambridge, MA 02139

The Details

How to pay by check

If you have received a bill from MIT Accounts Receivable and don’t want to pay with a credit card or by wire transfer, you may pay with a check. See step #2 below about where to bring or send the check.

Refer to the MIT Student Financial Services Office website for details on how to pay your tuition bill.

Where to pay by check

Mail your check to:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Accounts Receivable


77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139-4307


Bring your check to:

VPF Reception and Service Desk


Cambridge, MA 02139

Did You Know?

VPF Accounts Receivable (AR) generates monthly aging reports to identify invoices that are overdue for payment and initiates collection activities for bills that are more than 60 days late.
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